Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Is your Federal Resume Super-Specialized

Is your Federal Resume Super-SpecializedIs your Federal Resume Super-SpecializedIs your Federal Resume Super-Specialized?Why your has to be super-specialized to get Best QualifiedCompetition is growing for the best jobs in the country In todays job market, hundreds and thousands of job seekers are sending resumes for federal positions now. Its well publicized in the media that the federal jobs pay better, and benefits and retirement are better than private industry. These federal positions are the best jobs in the entire US.So now there is a dramatic increase in applications per position. To compete against more competition, your federal resume has to be super-specialized for each position.One federal resume does NOT fit all federal applicationsWe are finding at The Resume Place, Inc. that many federal job seekers are using one resume to apply for many positions. This approach is elend effective. Each federal resume must be super-specialized to get a score of 90 or above and to get B est Qualified and Referred to a Supervisor. We are hearing from frustrated federal job seekers who are submitting 60, 100, even 200 federal resumes and NOT getting Referred, or if they are Referred, they are not selected for an Interview. These job seekers say they are qualified but are having no luck. One reason could be that their federal resume is NOT super-specialized toward an announcement.Hot Tip Dont overlook the One Year Specialized Experience section of the vacancy announcementWhat many people dont see in the long vacancy announcements is that each job announcement will state that a position requires One Year Specialized Experience for all positions. Your resume MUST show that you have this One Year Specialized experience in order to qualify for the position.Where does an applicant find the Specialized Experience in the vacancy announcement?Each announcement will state the Specialized Experience needed for the job. The announcement will usually say something like this Your resume must demonstrate that you have 52 weeks of specialized experience in this certain field. Your resume should include examples of this and this and this and this.Heres how your federal resume can become a super-specialized federal resumeAdd your KSAs into the resume.Although the KSAs narratives are supposedly eliminated by the Hiring Reform, many applications will ask for your KSAs to be demonstrated in your resume. These KSAs to be added into your resume will be different for each vacancy announcement even if you are applying for generally the same types of jobs. Make your resume super-specialized by adding ansicht KSAs right into the text of your resume in the Work Experience section to get the best score.Highlight your Specialized Experience.Human resources specialists are overwhelmed with resumes. They have so many resumes to review, and they are looking for quick ways to eliminate you from consideration. You will want the initial Human Resources reviewer to see yourspecial ized experience quickly. They will give you more consideration, because your resume clearly demonstrates your qualifications. This could result in a better score on your federal resume (best scores are 90+)Add keywords from the Specialized Experience section.Change at least 10 to 20 keywords and phrases in your federal resume for each announcement, so that the resume clearly hits the Specialized Experience. Find the keywords in the mission, duties, and qualifications sections of the vacancy announcement.Give examples to PROVE that you have the Specialized Experience.Vacancy announcements will request examples, and you should write them in your federal resume. These examples are your Accomplishment Record they prove from your past wertzuwachs that you will have a certain track record for future performance.If possible, add your Specialized Experience to the first page of your resume.Themost valuable real estate in your federal resume is the first page. If your last job or current job is your most relevant, list this one first.Readability counts add the Specialized Experience in the Outline Format Resume.Use ALL CAPS and spacing to help the HR specialist find this important specialized experience. If its easy to read by busy HR specialists, that can help you get a better score and get referred.THE RESUME PLACE, INC. CERTIFIED FEDERAL RESUME WRITERS produce super-specialized federal resumes. Get professional help with your federal resumes and land one of the best jobs in the United States todayDo you want a FREE Estimate for a super-specialized federal resume? Just complete our registration and federal resume profile. We will write back to you and give a few recommendations for super-specialized writing strategies plus an estimate for our professional services to help you achieve your federal career goals. Professional strategic writing for federal jobs is an investment in your future and career, not just a federal resume writing service.Good luck with your Supe r-Specialized federal resume. Get Best Qualified, Referred, Interviewed and Hired with your Super Specialized Federal Resume. Each application is unique, no two are the sameKathryn Troutman, Author, Ten Steps to a Federal Job

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why being wrong will make you a better leader

Why being wrong will make you a better leaderWhy being wrong will make you a better leaderBeing right is bedrngnislage a badge of honor, but a temporary status. Our brain is wired for self-deception - we become immune to facts.If you hold a standort of power, its even worse. Leaders are mora prone to suffer from Confirmation Bias or Error Blindness. They filter the information that supports their beliefs. Or dont realize their mistakes until its too late.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBy being okay with being wrong, you keep your mind open. Rather than trying to win every argument, you pay attention to facts, not to what will help you defeat others.Andy Grove, Intels co-founder, summarized this approach as the courage and confidence to act on what you know right now, along with the humility to course correct when new information comes along.Read on to discover the keys reasons why you might think you are always right - and what happens when you lead as if youre right and listen as if youre not.1. You think being right gains yourespectMost leaders confuse infallibility with power - they feel pressured to have all the answers.Our reputation is what we are known for credibility is reputation impacting our ability to be believed. Being brave to admit you dont know everything protects your reputation trying to win every argument can risk your credibility.To drive change requires integrating all types of authority, not just the formal one. Great leaders tap truly listen to subject matter experts, those who are closer to the problem, bring an outsider perspective or have a strong influence within the team.Do you confuse infallibility with authority?You are not supposed to know it all. Wise leaderslead with questions, not perfect answers. They provoke and inspire their teams to discover new solutions. Also, leaders who acknowledge their limitations, are less l ikely to make mistakes that put their teams and organizations in danger.As French philosopher, Voltaire wrote, Doubt is not a pleasant condition, but certainty is absurd.2. You always want to have the lastcookieInfallibility battles are pointless - everyone loses in the end.A study at UC Berkeley broke students into groups of three, and one person was named the team leader. At some point, the researchers would bring in a plate of four cookies.So, who would take the last cookie?We all know the social norm is not to do so.But, as Robert Sutton, author ofGood Boss, Bad Bossexplains,The research showedconsistently that the person in powerwould take that fourth cookie. They even tended to eat with their mouths open andleave more crumbs. And this is just in the laboratory. Imagine that youre a CEO and everywhere you go youre empowered, and everyone is kissing your ass. You can start to binnensee why its so hard to be good.Infallibility battles are destructive - we want to defend our pos ition at all costs. Having the last word might end an argument, but wont solve the problem. Trusting your team is more important than who eats the last cookie.As William Coyne, a former VP at 3M, said, After you plant a seed in the ground, you dont dont dig it up every week to see how its doing.Power makes people selfish3. You think like a soldier, not like ascoutYour mindset affects your judgment, analysis, and decision-making.Julia Galef, the co-founder of the Center for Applied Rationality, explains why some information orideas feel like our allies - we want them to win. But we think of opposing views as our enemies - we want to shoot them down.Our judgment is strongly influenced, unconsciously, by which side we want to win. The soldier mindset, as Galef calls it, is rooted in the need to defend ourselves - we want to win every argument. This phenomenon is even more evident among people that holdformalauthority.The scout mindset on the other hand, is about understanding, not d efending a position. A scout goes out and identifies the real challenge - he wants to knowwhats really there.Are you trying the make the best decision? Or to win a battle?Leading requires balancing both mindsets - having the courage and confidence to act on what you know is right, along with the openness and humility to course correct when new information is presented.As organizational theoristKarl Weicksaid, Fight as if youre right. Listen as if youre wrong.4. You get more credit (or blame) thandeservedBeing in a position of leadership is anything but neutral - you are always under a spotlight.Regardless of your leadership style, the perception of your achievements will always be distorted. People pay too much attention to their leaders. Theres evidence that, if you are in a position of authority over others, you will get more blame and more credit than you deserve.Bob Sutton call it the magnification effect. As he explainson this talk,leaders are responsible for about 15% of th eir team/organizational performance,but they get about 50% of the blame or credit.Is your self-perception blinding you?We become arrogant when we succeed, and ignorant when we fail. Theres plenty of evidence that, when a company is performing great, leaders become more clueless and self-absorbed. Or that failure drives blaming others rather than self-reflection.Dont let themagnification effectdistract your attention from learning from mistakes.As Ed Catmull, the co-founder of Pixar, said, If you arent experiencing failure, then you are making a far worse mistake You are being driven by the desire to avoid it.5. You are in denial (and so is yourteam)Leaders are more unaware than self-aware - most believe they know themselvesbetter than they actually do.Studiesshow that 80% of people think they are better-than-average leaders. Unaware leaders deceive both themselves and others. For example,deluded leadersmay come across as charismatic and talented, but their overconfidence puts their credibility at risk in the long run.Researchshows that, when there is no effective process to gather decision makers into honest conversations about tough issues, organizations arethree timesmore likely to have people withhold or distort information.A similar study by Milliken Morrison shows that 85% of employees feel unable to raise a concern with their bosses. Truth is forced underground, leaving the organization to rely on rumors, gossip or insincerity.Do you promote a safe environment for people to speak up?The emotional culture of an organization is as powerful as its cognitive counterpart. Pay attention. Silence is not the absence of fear but a consequence of it.Create a safe spacewhere people feel confident to speak up without the fear of being ridiculed or punished.As Wharton professor Sigal Barsade said, Every organization has an emotional culture, even if its one of suppression.6. You are not being challengedThe more successful we become, the more at risk we are to error blindness. Even worse, narcissism rates have been rising steadilyfor decades.A studyon fraud found that narcissism can make CEOs behave unethically - they want to achieve their goals and receive praise at any cost. Highly narcissistic CEOs may help achieve bigger ambitions for their companies. However, too much narcissism may jeopardize the interests of their companies - they dont listen to their teams feedback.The majority of us overestimate how good we are at listening, as astudyby Accenture shows.Are people afraid of challenging you?Encourage your team to provide candid feedback and to address tensions in a space of mutual respect. A Gallup study shows that 7 in 10 employees strongly agree that their opinionsdontcount at work. Listening will help you gain an understanding of why someone thinks differently. Be open to change your mind.As Pixars director Brad Bird said, during constructive feedback, everyone will get humiliated and encouraged together.7. Your Salary Distorts You rRealityA highly-paid CEO may actually hurt an organization,according to research from the University of Cambridge.Higher salaries do not guarantee that a leader will turn in a strong performance. Firms that pay their CEOs in the top ten percent of excess pay earnnegative abnormalreturns over the next three years, the researchers found.A higher pay makes leaders believe theyre always right - thats why they are paid so much. It unconsciously clouds their judgment. They become overconfident on their plans and ideas.Do you believe those who earn less are not as competent as you are?Im not trying to make you feel bad about your salary. But, to become more aware of how your position can distort your perception. We tend to correlate salaries or titles with smarts. Thus, stop paying attention to people that are at our same level.As Simon Sinek said, Great Leaders dont need to act tough. Their confidence and humility serve to underscore their toughness.Becoming vulnerable is hard. But when you dont have to pretend you know it all, you wont feel the need to win all the battles - youll focus on unleashing your teams potential.Its better to be wrong than believing you are right when you are not.Great leaders integrate diverse thinking they embrace people who provide different perspectives and ideas. Dont risk your credibility by trying to have all the answers. Humility promotes honesty - people will want to share candid feedback and their best ideas, instead of trying to deceive you.This article first appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people

Saturday, December 21, 2019

7 Common Habits That Make it Hard for Your Co-workers to Like You

7 Common Habits That Make it Hard for Your Co-workers to Like You7 Common Habits That Make it Hard for Your Co-workers to Like YouIf you elendice that promising introductions fizzle out long before turning into a dynamic connection, or your co-workers seem to dodge you when they see you coming around the corner, the problem may be staring back at you in the mirror.Relationships are at the heart of our success, and investing in real connections pays off in meeting both professional and personal goals.Here are some common behaviors that may inadvertently drive others away1. You Talk Too MuchNo one wants to be a captive audience to someone who drones on incessantly about me, me, me. Focus your attention on creating a two-way dialogue, and express a genuine interest in what the other person is saying. Ask open-ended questions and pay attention to his response. The easiest way to be considered a brilliant conversationalist is to listen more than you talk.2. You Gossip, Moan, and ComplainI f youre wondering why everyone has stopped asking you how youre doing, it may be because you generally have something negative to say. A dry, It could be worse is less enthusiastic than, Im doing great, thank you. How are you today? Most people are naturally drawn to those who are positive and pleasant.And, if youre the friend or co-worker who feels the need to keep everyone informed about the current drama, youre likely not trusted with confidential information (even if you claim to be a vault when it comes to keeping a secret). When youve breached someones privacy, its difficult to gain her respect back.3. Youre Always LateThere are few things more irritating than waiting for someone who routinely arrives 45 minutes late. Running behind schedule to a business meeting or lunch with a friend sends the message that you have poor time management skills, or that you just dont care about the person. Youre not the only one whos crazy busy, and you may have much more free time in the futu re if you continue with this pattern (because people wont want to hang out with you). If youre prone to keeping people waiting, break the habit immediately.4. Youre Impatient and UnpredictableOne minute youre laughing and enjoying the party, the next youre storming out without saying goodbye. Everyone has an occasional bad day, but when people dont know what to expect when youre around, its time to find a way to manage your emotions. If you believe most people are incompetent, out to get you, or youre frequently a victim in life, your attitude could use an adjustment. Improving yourself means changing your habits and developing strategies for keeping your cool under pressure.5. Youre Mean SpiritedPosting a mean comment on social media or making a joke and punctuating it with a dismissive, just kidding is not winning you friends. Humor is only funny in small doses, and when it isnt directed at someone to tear him down.6. You Refuse to ApologizeNot only do you find it hard to say Im s orry, but you wont take responsibility for a mistake. Owning up to an error (in a timely fashion) not only shows character, but allows others to observe your willingness to be flexible and make things right. It can strengthen a relationship and encourage trust. Omit the word but or if from your apology- it just passes the blame.7. Youre UntrustworthyIts difficult to build a strong relationship with someone whos unreliable. People do business with people they trust, and they forge friendships with those they feel safe to be around. Its an unhappy truth that dishonesty and deception have long-lasting, negative consequences. There are few things worse than losing your integrity. If you make a mistake, clean it up. If you keep making the mistake over and over again, its intentional.More From Inc.3 Proven Steps to Fix Your Relationships at WorkHow to Make Your Relationships at Work More Authentic25 Phrases That Kill Workplace RelationshipsPhoto of fighting co-workers courtesy of Hero Ima ges/Getty Images.

Monday, December 16, 2019

Customize this Impressive Psychiatric Nurse Resume Sample

Customize this Impressive Psychiatric Nurse Resume SampleCustomize this Impressive Psychiatric Nurse Resume SampleBeing a psychiatric nurse is challenging, and finding a job can be just as challenging. In order to beat the competition, you need to construct a resume that shows you are more than capable to do the job and you will add value to the position. Using a sample as a guide can be helpful if you arent sure what to include, and you can get good pointers on formatting yur own document correctly.Our psychiatric nurse resume sample is a helpful guideline to how your own document should look. It includes the important sections such as summary, qualifications, experience, and education, and demonstrates some strong examples of what to include in each. If you are still struggling, use our resume builder for additional assistance.Create Resume Victor Hughes100 Broadway LaneNew Parkland, CA, 91010Cell (555) 987-1234example-emailexample.comProfessional SummaryPatient-centered Psychiatr ic Nurse experienced in treatment of bipolar disorder, ADHD, depression, anxiety and other psychiatric disorders in adolescents and adults. Experienced in treatment planning, including psychotherapy and psychotropic medication administration. Efficient and able to deliver nursing care with quality attention to an average caseload of 15 patients per day.Core QualificationsMedicalMastermind EMROffice Suite ProMedication AdministrationVerbal DeescalationBLS/ACLS/PALS CertifiedDetox NursingExperiencePsychiatric Nurse, August 2009 PresentPsychiatric Institute of New Cityland New Cityland, CAComplete nursing assessments and develop treatment plans for new patients to the adolescent psychiatric unit of 148 bed hospital.Administer medications while ensuring correct dosage, frequency and appropriate use by patient according to physicians orders.Conduct group educational sessions on subject matter such as healthy lifestyle, affect of nutrition on mood, relaxation techniques and medication m anagement.Coordinate nursing activities in collaboration with physicians, therapists and social workers to ensure a cohesive and multi-faceted treatment plan.Psychiatric Nurse, April 2005 August 2009Visiting Nurses of New Cityland New Cityland, CAProvided mental health assessments, developed treatment plans and conducted progress visits and wellness checks for patients of behavioral disorders, psychiatric diagnoses and cognitive deficits.Maintained responsibility for an average of 25 cases per week.Conducted home visits for recovering addicts and ensured wellness within addiction recovery treatment plan.Education2005 Bachelors of Science, NursingUniversity of California New Cityland, CA2005 Registered Nurse CertificationState of CaliforniaCustomize ResumeWhy Is This a Good Psychiatric Nurse Resume Sample?This psychiatric nurse resume sample is a good example for a variety of reasons. Its format is perfect and it flows well. To start with, it makes it easy for the hiring manager t o contact the applicant because he lists his email and phone number right at the top of the resume. Next, the professional summary gives a clear demonstration of what the jobseeker brings to the role and illuminates a couple of strong skills such as efficient and the ability to deliver care with quality attention. A good summary typically is made up of three statements, which this one is.This applicant lists a number of important aptitudes in the core qualifications section. It offers a convincing variety, such as technical knowledge, practical skills, and professional certifications. They are also listed in bullet form, which keeps them easy and quick to read, and the perfect amount is six to eight qualifications.In the experience section, the psychiatric nurse resume sample includes a number of accomplishments and important responsibilities. Using active verbs, such as complete, administer, conduct, coordinate, and provide, is a good way to demonstrate to the employer how you perf ormed each task. A good resume also offers metrics to show ability and successes. In this sample, the applicant uses phrases such as 148 bed hospital and 25 cases per week to give specific examples of current and past experiences.The education section is a perfect example of how this final part should look. You want to provide detailed information in a concise manner. Include the degree, completion date, school name, and school location. This is also the section where you can mention certifications or other professional designations that relate to the role. You should not list high school unless you have no other education, and generally leave off your GPA as well.Why You Need a Strong Psychiatric Nurse ResumeAlthough the outlook for job growth for nurses is strong, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, working in psychiatrics is a specialized practice and employers are looking for the best of the best. Having a strong resume that stands out is imperative to get this position , and the psychiatric nurse resume sample can help you design one. There are many nurses looking for work, but not all of them have the same education or specialization. Make sure you include all your training and professional certifications, along with specific accomplishments, in your document so that hiring managers are more likely to pick your resume as one of the final candidates.Costly Psychiatric Nurse Resume Mistakes To AvoidMistakes in your resume can be costly, which is why you should do your best to avoid them. Commonsense problems, such as lying or using incorrect grammar, may be obvious and easy to keep away from, but there are many other mistakes that are less apparent. As there is a lot of competition for ansicht positions, avoid the mistake of being too general. As in the sample, include specific skills such as PALS certification or medical software, along with a variety of responsibilities from your past jobs.As the psychiatric nurse resume sample demonstrates, use numbers to point out how you have been successful and what value you bring to the job at hand. You could list the number of patients you typically care for, the percentage of patients who get better under your care, or the number of nurses you supervise, if applicable.This is also not the time to be humble. Use strong words to convey your confidence and abilities in a professional manner.ConclusionA challenging job calls for an engaging resume. Use the psychiatric nurse resume sample to format your document and follow its examples to showcase your skills and career accomplishments. Demonstrate why employers should choose you over other candidates by pointing out highly relevant qualifications, high-level degrees and professional certifications, and outstanding achievements in related positions. Psychiatric Nurse Resume Questions1. How do you list awards on your psychiatric nurse resume? An excellent way to distinguish yourself as an ideal candidate for an open psychiatric nurse posi tion is to list awards you received in the past. There are a few different ways to do this. If you received awards for academic accomplishments, you can list them in your education section underneath your degree or training program. List professional awards either in your work experience section or in a separate section titled Awards.For assistance listing awards and other qualifications, turn to our effortless resume builder. Its step-by-step process, along with the guidance of our psychiatric nurse resume sample, can help you create a resume in minutes.2. What should your education section look like in a psychiatric nurse resume? Many resume templates and formats position the education section at the bottom of the page. The jobseeker in our psychiatric nurse resume sample does this as well. If you have extensive experience in the field, follow this example. If you recently graduated and are seeking an entry-level position, you may want to place your education section closer to the top of your document.Include the formal title of your degree, your graduation date, and your schools name and location. List your nursing license for your state as well.3. Whats the best way to list certifications on your psychiatric nurse resume?Take a look at our psychiatric nurse resume sample. The jobseeker lists certifications in Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced Life Support in his core qualifications section. He also includes his state RN certification in his education section.4. Whats the best format for a resume PDF, MS Word, or txt?Feel free to use either of ansicht sections to identify your certifications. If you have many certifications and want to make sure hiring managers notice them, you can also create a Certifications and Licenses section to draw attention to these qualifications.Plain text formats do not allow bold text, italics, bullet points, or other formatting techniques. Use this format only if the job listing fo r the open psychiatric nurse position requests it.5. Which skills are the best to list on a psychiatric nurse resume? As a psychiatric nurse, you need to possess knowledge of psychiatric disorders, treatment plans, and medication administration. You should have the ability to communicate and work with doctors, therapists, and other nurses. Many hiring managers want candidates who are well-versed in addiction detox and recovery methods as well. As you can see from our psychiatric nurse resume sample, you should use your summary, core qualifications, and experience sections to emphasize these skills. Make sure you also include key skills the job description mentions.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Electronics Technician NEC Codes

Electronics Technician NEC CodesElectronics Technician NEC CodesThe Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) system supplements the enlisted rating structure in identifying personnel on active or inactive duty and billets in manpower authorizations. NEC codes identify a non-rating wide skill, knowledge, aptitude, or qualification that must be documented to identify both people and billets for management purposes. For example, if a Navy police officer (MA Master at Arms) receives specialized training as a K-9 Dog Handler, he/she would be awarded NEC MA-2005. From that point on, the sailor could be assigned to Navy law enforcement duties involving military working dogs. NECs for Electronics Technicians ET-1402 Tactical Communications Maintenance Technician (APPLIES ?TO ET) ET-1403 AN/WSC-6(V)5 Super High Frequency (SHF) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Maintenance (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1404 AN/WSC-8 Super High Frequency (SHF) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Maintenance (APPLIES TO ET) E T-1405 AN/WSC-6(V)7 Combatant Super High Frequency (SHF) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Maintenance (APPLIES ?TO ET) ET-1406 AN/WSC-6(V)9 Combatant Super High Frequency (SHF) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Maintenance (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1407 AN/SSC-12 Shipboard Air Traffic Control Communications (SATCC) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1410 AN/SRC-55(V) HYDRA Technician (APPLIES TO ET, IC) ET-1413 Meteorologist Equipment Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1415 Combined Shore Communications Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1419 Electromagnetic Compatibility Technician (APPLIES TO ET, AT, FC, CTT) ET-1420 Surface HF Communications ordnungsprinzip Maintenance Technician ET-1424 Communications Equipment (SRQ-4) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1425 Communications Equipment (WSC-3/UHF DAMA) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1428 Small Combatant Communications Electronic Subsystem Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1429 Flight Deck Communications ordnungsprinzips (FDCS) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1430 AN/USC-38 (V)2, 3 Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1433 Super High Frequency (SHF) Satellite Communications (SATCOM) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1452 NAVMACS(V)3 Shipboard Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1456 FLTSATCOM (CUDIXS/DAMA NAVCOMMSTA) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1458 VERDIN/ISABPS Communications Systems Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1460 Communications Security (COMSEC) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET, CTM, AT) ET-1465 Special Maintenance (AN/GSC-52(V), GSC-39, FSC-78/79 SHF Satellite Terminal) Technician.(APPLIES TO ET) ET-1468 Special Maintenance (SHF SATCOM System) Technician.(APPLIES TO ET) T-1471 URN-25 Tactical Air Navigation Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1486 Single Audio System (SAS) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1491 FFG-7 Class Navigation Electronics Subsystem Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1493 Tactical Support Communications (TSCOMM) Replacement Program Maintenance Technician (APPLIES T O ET) ET-1494 LHD Class Radio Communications System Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1495 AN/SYQ-13 NAV/C2 Maintainer (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14AA Common Submarine Radio Room (CSRR) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14AB Common Submarine Radio Room (CSRR) Equipment Operator (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14BH SSN 774 Class Electronic Support Equipment Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14CM SSN Radio Frequency (RF) Equipment Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14EM SSN ESM Equipment Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14HH SSN 21 Class ESM Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14NM Navigation Equipment Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14NO Navigation Equipment Operator (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14NP SSN 774 Class Navigation and Ships Electronic Equipment Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14NV SSN/SSBN Assistant Navigator (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14RO SSN Radio Frequency (RF) Equipment Operator (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14SM SWS Navigation System Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14TG SSN 63 7/688 Class Navigation Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14TK SSN 21 Navigation Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14TM TRIDENT I/II Radio Frequency (RF) Equipment Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14TO TRIDENT I/II Radio Frequency (RF) Equipment Operator (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14XM Electronics Technician Trident II SWS D-5 Backfit SWS Navigation Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14XO Electronics Technician Trident II SWS D-5 Backfit SWS Navigation Operator (APPLIES TO ET) ET-14ZA AN/BRD-7 Submarine Radio Direction Finding (RDF) Set Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1503 Radar (SPS-49) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1504 Radar (SPS-55) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1507 Radar (SPS-67(V)) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1510 Radar (AN/SPS-49(V)5 and 7) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1511 Radar (AN/SPS-40E) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1517 DASR/STARS Maintenance Technician Pipeline (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1520 AN/SPS-73 Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1529 Standard Termi nal Automation Replacement System (STARS) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1530 Digital Airport Surveillance Radar (DASR) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1568 AN/TPX-42A(V)13 Shipboard DAIR Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1570 Air Traffic Control Communications Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1571 AN/UPX-29(V) Ship System Maintainer (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1572 AIMS System Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1574 DAIR/GCA (TPX-42) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1576 CATC DAIR Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1579 Precision Approach Radar Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1580 ASR-8 Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1589 Fleet Electronics Calibration (FECL) Technician (APPLIES TO ET, CTM) ET-1590 AN/SPN-46(V) Radar Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-1591 Miniature/ Microminiature Module Test and Repair (2MTR) Technicians (APPLIES TO AT, AE, ET, CTM, FC, FT, GM, GSE, IC, MN, MT, STG, STS, IT, TM, CTT) ET-1592 AN/TPX-42A(V)14 Shipboard DAIR Maintenance Technician (APPLIES T O ET) ET 3323 Central Navigation Computer (CNC) Technician (CNC CP 890B on TRIDENT SSBN) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-3324 Ships Inertial Navigation System (SINS) Technician (SINS MK 2 MOD 3, 4, 6, 7) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-3327 Navigation AIDS (NAVAIDS) Technician (TRIDENT Navigation Subsystem) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-3328 Navigation Electronics Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-3329 Navigation Electronics Operations and Maintenance Technician (TRIDENT II D5 Backfit SWS) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9604 JTIDS Shipboard Terminal Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9605 Naval Modular Automated Communications Systems II (NAVMACS II) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9606 Shipboard Air Traffic Control (SATC) Radar Technician (AN/SPN-43C) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9607 High Frequency Radio Group (HFRG) Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9608 Radar Technician (AN/SPS-67(V)3) (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9610 Radar (AN/SPS-49A(V)) Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9611 AN/SSN-2(V)4 Maintainer (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9612 AN/ WSN-7(V) Operations and Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET, IC ) ET-9613 Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Communications Technician (APPLIES TO ET, IC ) ET-9614 AN/SPN-35C Maintenance Technician (APPLIES TO ET) ET-9615 AN/SPS-67(V)5 Radar Technician (APPLIES TO ET)

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Benefits of Best Resume Builder 2018

The Benefits of Best Resume Builder 2018 The Number One Question You Must Ask for Best Resume Builder 2018 Try the CVitae template if you wish to take advantage of the popular parallax design and produce an impression on potential employers. The chronological format is the most widely used by jobseekers. There are many templates to select from ranging from the basic formats of conventional resumes to more modern designs which are getting more popular (see example above). Based on your industry or whether youre an academic, you might actually have to use a CV template. Resume templates can be ideal for ideas but take the opportunity to make your own formatting. The template includes portfolio and client sections where you are able to display logos of earlier customers and examples of your prior work. Remember though, leid all website templates are made equal. Again, you wish to make sure that your resume is readable. Not only are you going to look bad, but its going haunt you down the line with other future possible employers. Theres no totally free package. Best Features Very nutzer friendly. Why Almost Everything Youve Learned About Best Resume Builder 2018 Is Wrong You will want to be cautious. The form even lets you select your skills from a collection of examples we provide for you. You may find many great resume templates, but you are going to have to decide if theyre likely to help or hurt your odds of landing an interview. The Birth of Best Resume Builder 2018 Developing an amazing skills section can help recruiters skim your document quickly to see when you have the qualifications they seek. Possessing a great resume format is crucial to organizing your data in a sense which will help you become noticed. Unless youre an expert, you might get overwhelmed by the range of ideas and formats out there. While you are still able to download your completed resume in PDF format, the service encourages you to make a link which youll be able t o share with friends and prospective employers. Sample resumes and advice on how to compose a resume available. Writing a professional resume isnt effortless. You may also download totally free templates from our Resume Library to get going on your best resume. The only possiblity to succeed with a resume is the moment when its being read for the very first time. Our resume builder is the quickest approach to create a resume that can help you get your fantasy job. The majority of us already know that the resume we submit while putting in an application for a work interview is actually crucial for a lot of reasons. The Debate Over Best Resume Builder 2018 Keep in mind, your resume should concentrate on what you could supply your employer, not vice versa. Your CV is your opportunity to present your abilities and sell yourself as the ideal candidate for some job. You may follow up with the advancement of your CV. Chronological resumes are perfect in case you have experience in the area and a number of years of uninterrupted employment or whether youre a recent college grad. Resume Builder The resume builder is quite simple to use. Resume Companion is an extremely user-friendly site that provides a wide selection of tools which could help you compose an outstanding resume and send it to a possible employer. With the area of web, you can have thousands of choices which are available to you from samples, professional resume writers, and internet software that allows you to construct a perfect resume. Life, Death and Best Resume Builder 2018 When it has to do with working with an online resume builder you will need to understand what areas youre struggling with and what areas youre good with. To be able to submit a professionally written resume, you must make sure that its made by a true expert. Join groups to connect with different professionals in your industry who might be able to supply you with helpful info, job opportunities, and more. Aside from all the conventional elements, it is also possible to display your services, which is useful if you wish to work with clients until the perfect opportunity comes along.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Webinar with Women Engineering Leaders at DigitalOcean

Webinar with Women Engineering Leaders at DigitalOcean PowerToFly is thrilled to partner with DigitalOcean (a dynamic, fast-growing startup that serves a robust and passionate community of developers, teams, and businesses around the world) to present a virtual tech talk and audience QA with several of their women tech leaders.The webinar will take place on Tuesday, May 7th at 100pm EST / 1000am PST. After the tech talk, PowerToFly Cofounder and President Katharine Zaleski will lead a brief panel discussion with several of DigitalOceans women engineering leaders, discussing their career journeys, current projects, and what its like working for a mostly remote company. PanelistsLimor Bergman Gross, Director, EngineeringAlexis Bruemmer, Senior Manager, EngineeringSwati Gaikwad, Engineer II Jenni Griesmann, Senior Engineer ITech Talk SpeakerSneha Inguva, Engineer IIAlthough you dont need to be looking for new job opportunities to attend the webinar, DigitalOcean does have a number of op en remote roles. In fact, about 70% of DigitalOceans engineering team works remotely Their competitive benefits include monthly gym reimbursements, monthly commute allowances, and a 401k with up to a 4% employer match. To learn more about DigitalOceans open roles, visit their page on PowerToFly.About our webinars All RSVPd attendees are welcome, regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity, pregnancy, physical or mental disability, or age.Related Articles Around the Web DigitalOcean - Cloud Computing, Simplicity at Scale One of the biggest challenges in almost all industries today is achieving gender parity. Gender diversity provides huge benefits in the workplace. pWhile some industries have made significant advancements in gender diversity, some industries lag further behind... and the construction industry is well-known for being in the latter category. If som eone says, construction workers, youll likely picture a group of men in yellow hard hats analyzing an architects plans or laying bricks on top of a scaffold. And men at work signs only help to reinforce this image.pThis stereotype is rooted in reality. When was the last time you actually spotted a woman on a construction site? Or hired a female plumber or carpenter? Your answer is most likely never. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statisticsreports that only 3.4% of the total of 8.3 1000000 construction employees are women.pBut the construction industry has a lot more to offer than steel-toed boots and hard hats, and it needs women to help advance the industry in this era of rapid change. Here are 5 reasons why women joining the workforce or looking to make a pivot should consider a career in construction.h21. Fuel neuschpfung/h2pNot only is diversity the socially and morally right thing to do, but it is also actually an excellent business strategy. pResearch presented in the Harvard B usiness Reviewshows that diverse teams develop more innovative ideas. This is further supported by a study conducted by Gallupon the performance of gender-diverse teams versus single-gender teams, which found that the difference in backgrounds and perspectives led to better business performance and problem-solving. h22. Capitalize on Demand/h2pThe construction industry is currently experiencing a labor shortage. The industry itself is booming and projected to be one of the fastest-growing industries, with total spending projected to exceed $1.45 trillion in 2023/a. However, most construction companies are unable to meet the rising demand. pAccording to the Associated General Contractors of America/a, more than 80% of contractors are experiencing difficulties filling hourly craft positions that represent the bulk of the construction workforce.pAnd demand isnt limited to individual contributor roles. Given the industry boom, there are a number of open stable and high-paying roles (any project managers out there?) waiting for the right candidateh23. Leadership Opportunities/h2pAccording to the Bureau of Labor Statistics/a, women compose only 7.7% of the total 1 million managerial positions in construction.br/pBut given the highly collaborative nature of construction work, more women in leadership roles would help drive innovation and enhance productivity.Furthermore, as a woman in construction in a leadership position, youd have the unique opportunity to drive change for the industry and make it a more attractive option for other women.h24. High-Income Potential/h2pSalaries for many skilled positions in construction are on the rise, making a construction career a prime choice for women looking for a high-paying job,pThe 2018 Construction Craft Salary Surveyconducted by the National Center for Construction Education and Research revealed that salaries for many skilled craft areas are increasing. Project managers and project supervisors topped the list at $92,523 a nd $88,355, respectively. The next set of highest-paying jobs include those of combo welders ($71,067), instrumentierung technicians ($70,080), pipe welders ($69,222), power line workers ($68,262) and industrial electricians ($67,269). Of the 32 categories of workers in the survey, 19 positions earned an average salary of $60,000 or higher.h25. Sense of accomplishment/h2p The construction industry can give employees a unique sense of achievement. Yes, the job is stressful and the work can be demanding, but nothing beats the feeling of being able to build something from the ground up. pHow many professionals in other industries can point at a school, a hospital, or a skyscraper and say I helped build that?pThe construction industry has a long way to go in combating gender bias and supporting women in the workforce, but given the current demand for workers, theres no better time to pick up a sledgehammer (figurative or literal) and smash the gender stereotypes plaguing the constructi on industry.